woke up and there was a package that came in early in the morning. Wen styling creme arrived! Bought two 6oz Wen styling creme on ebay, the seller is nice, gave discount on shipping, price is still lower than the retail and I got a cashback from live.com for using my hotmail account on ebay to purchase buy it now items. I paid yesterday and recieved it these morning. Chaz Dean's Wen collection is very pricey and its no joke to like these kind of products. I am not about to spend $28 for a 16oz Cleansing Conditioner, $24 on a 6oz Styling Creme and $72 on a 4oz Hair re-moist hydrating mask. Sure the products are great but I don't have that kind of money to pamper my hair like that. The only thing I would use and will probably keep on using eventhough it's a bit pricey is the styling creme. I even searched thru ebay to get a bargain and made sure there's cashback from live.com. My hair is wavy, think and frizy. The styling creme made it soft and nice to the touch without weighing my hair down. I have tried many leave in conditioner or styling creme but those stuff I used before made it look like my hair is never going to dry up, it always looks wet like straight out of the shower for the entire day. I'm lazy when it comes to blowing my hair dry I always liked it air dry and Wen Styling Creme is just the right one for ME. When I say me, meaning it might not work for everyone so if you are interested just get a trial version, your choice.
I searched for make up that is safe for acne prone, dry and oily skin. I heard about mineral makeups before but never really liked the idea of powdery make up because powder just doesn't sits well on my face. It always looked like I have clumped stuff on my face. I found out about Everyday Minerals last Aug of 2008 and decided to order their free sample kits. I got 5 small jars of samples. 3 foundation, 1 blush and 1 concealer. Compare to other mineral makeups I liked how these does not irritate my skin. It's very important the I only use products that doesn't irritate my skin. Yesterday I ordered my second sample kit and added sample kit of eyes shadows, then brush and moisturizer. The reason why I'm getting another sample kit is because the first kit I got didn't match my skin tone well. They have huge selections but good thing they offer samples or else I'll be stuck with huge full jars of stuff that doesn't even suite me well. I am pretty sure that the second samples I ordered will be very close to my skin tone. I did finish the first sample because I sometimes use it at night and end up sleeping on it too, since its safe to do so anyways. Coverage is medium for me because I still have acne spots but it's very good in toning down the redness, even though there's little bumps on my face, everyday minerals did a good job in evening out my skin tone. And one last thing I want to mention. Their minerals does not contain talc and I am so happy about that. Talc just doesn't do me any good.
Under eye dark circles! nobody likes them. I read at about.com that you can get rid of dark circled with chamomile tea. That's cool! with all the stuff that was mentioned on the article on how to get rid of dark circles the only thing I have available at home is chamomile tea. Also found out that if you drink chamomile tea it relaxes your muscles and helps you sleep better. Now that's a plus! So I grabbed two tea bags and placed it on a cup of hot water then I cut the strings off and stored the tea bags in the fridge. I'm sleeping well tonight and I will have two cold tea bags waiting for me tomorrow to use as under eye circle patches to get rid of puffiness. Oh! I love multipurpose stuff.
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